Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Weight Loss Tips for Women

Weight / Fat Loss Programs or Plans for men and women are a craze on the internet marketing scene. Hundreds of websites have cropped up promoting several of these programs, products and dietary advices.

A major segment of the internet marketing zone deals with weight / fat loss tips for women! Women across the globe work the most, be it home making or office jobs or taking care of families or tendering kids or even leading organizations or even nations. They need energy and rest to recharge and be active. Hence the increasing concern for their health and well-being with the continuous emphasis on weight / fat loss tips for women.

The emphasis applies to men too to keep themselves fit as they lead stressful lives involving job related activities and family concerns. To be fit even after 60 seems to be a necessary goal so as to avoid redundancy and neglect. For the mind to be active, a healthy and sound physique is very essential and that requires a special care after reaching 30 years of age. On the other hand, women tend to put on weight specially after becoming mothers due to a host of reasons. Since they too are increasing taking up job related opportunities, they have to be healthy and active besides looking fit and good.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the following are some interesting facts:
1. More than 1.4 billion adults were overweight in 2008, and more than half a billion obese
2. Globally, over 40 million preschool children were overweight in 2008
3. Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight
4. Overweight and obesity caused an estimated 1.5 million deaths in women aged 30 years and over in 2004, 77% of them in low and middle income countries. Many such countries are experiencing a rapid upsurge in chronic disease risk factors, particularly in urban settings.
5. WHO's latest projections indicate that by 2015 the number of overweight and obese women will rise to 1.5 billion.

Such alarming facts necessitate us to look at the problem of overweight and obesity seriously. Body mass index (BMI) - the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters (kg/m2) - is a commonly used index to classify overweight and obesity in adults. WHO defines overweight as a BMI equal to or more than 25, and obesity as a BMI equal to or more than 30.

But do the so-called weight loss programs or plans really work? It all depends upon several factors that need to be understood before diving into the bandwagon. These can be:
1. Your present state of health and wellbeing
2. Your traits and attitudes
3. Support from your environment
4. Your willingness to go the extra mile
5. Your basic activity level
6. Cost of dieting could impact the purse
7. Your grit to change and continue to adopt a new diet and exercise regimen.

So, before you decide to join a weight loss program, make up your mind after considering the above points diligently. Keeping your weight in check is a must for a healthy living but more important is a strong commitment and grit to continue to follow a list of do's and don'ts to stay fit and good looking.